Friday, October 22, 2010

APOD 1.8

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"It Came From the Sun" is a picture of one of the largest ever recorded solar eruptions. The mass of gas is enormous, as can be seen from its size in comparison to the Sun. The explosion is far larger than the earth itself, providing insight on the sheer size of the Sun. The fact that explosions larger than multiple Earths can occur on it without the slightest effect to its composition, orbit, or the orbits of other objects around it shows the awesome power that the sun possesses. Although the explosion is extremely hot, it pales in comparison from the amount of light emitted by the surface of the sun, and therefore appears much cooler. However the truth is that the eruption still reaches temperatures vastly greater than those reached on other planets. Large eruptions such as these are expected to continue as the Sun reaches a vital stage in its maturing process, which means more informative observations and exciting pictures.

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