Friday, September 10, 2010

APOD 1.2: Vela Supernova Remnant

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What happens when a star explodes? The Vela Supernova Remnant, over 11,000 light years away, provides an incredible example of how the surrounding space responds to the collapse of a star. Debris fills the space, giving an example of how new elements are formed, and then dispersed throughout the Universe.  The concept that it took the light 11,000 years to reach our planet is truly fascinating, as our view of this Supernova Remnant is probably entirely different from how it looks now. The sheer size of the debris is also incredible, the center of the explosion is now an estimated 800 light years away from the rest of the debris. This photo gives incredible insight on the size of supernova explosions, and that you can find every stage of a stars life throughout this infinite universe.

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