Monday, March 28, 2011

Observation 3/26

The big astronomy night was on Saturday, and it was the clearest night you could ask for. Over the course of the night I became familiar with all the winter constellations, observing the "Heavenly G", containing the brightest star Sirius in Canis Major, the great red star Betelgeuse in Orion along with Rigel, Caster and Pollux in Gemini, and I also managed to locate Procyon in Canis Minor. The most fascinating aspect of the night, however, was looking at Saturn, up close through the telescopes. I have never seen Saturn in person before, and the clarity of its rings and moons was fascinating. I never realized Saturn's rings were so clear and so massive in comparison to the planet when viewed on the visible spectrum. The rings of Saturn were truly awe inspiring, and was the best part of the stargaze for me.

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