Friday, February 4, 2011

APOD 3.3

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Another fascinating photo from an alien world is brought to us by the Mars rover Opportunity. This is the seventh year Opportunity has been running on Mars, quite an accomplishment considering it was only expected to last 3 months. Unlike its counterpart Spirit, Opportunity did not get stuck in the Martian soil, and is continuing its journey across the vast expanse of Mars, already having traveled 26.7 kilometers. Opportunity gives us a never before seen view of another planet, with many striking similarities to Earth and yet is still extremely different. This photo taken by Opportunity is similar to a photo of the desert in Arizona, with the red hot sun beating down on the planet. And yet, on this sunny day on mars it is probably hundreds of degrees colder, due to its significantly greater distance. As Opportunity continues to collect photographs of the Martian surface, it is fascinating to see how vibrant this planet is, teeming with craters, mountains, and valleys.

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